XML Digital Signature Technology
XML digital signature technology is a combined effort of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). The XML Signature standard assists signing parts of XML documents and providing end-to-end data integrity across multiple systems.XML digital signature proves the nonrepudiation and message integrity of transmitted XML data across Web services.
XML Signature is the foundation for XKMS, SAML, WS-Security, and other XML-related technologies that authenticate using digital signature.
XML digital signatures are signatures that are available in the XML format and ensure authentication and originality of the parent document. A main feature of XML signature is the ability to sign a particular portion of the XML document rather than the whole document.
An XML Signature can sign more than one type of resource, such as a particular portion of an XML document, binary-encoded data (JPG), and character-encoded data (HTML).
XML Digital Signatures Types
There are three types of XML digital signatures:-
Enveloped Signatures: The generated signature is implanted within the signed XML element itself.
Enveloping Signatures: The generated XML digital signature enfolds the signed XML elements, which it authenticates.
Detached Signatures: The signed XML document and the signature are detached separately.