
How to add Web 2.0 Email Signature

Web 2.0 Internet world

There are many Web 2.0 sites in today Internet space. You likely use Web 2.0 sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Digg, Del.icio.us etc.
Now you can link to all those social profiles from your email signature.

MyBlogLog signature feature

MyBlogLog has provided their members with a new feature which allows them to easily create an email signature. They can also use in Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express.

If you already have a Mybloglog account, you can enable it in following simple steps below.

  1. Log in your account
  2. Go to Profile Page
  3. Click Edit
  4. Go to Email Signature Tab
  5. Enter your information
  6. Click Get Code
  7. You'll be provided with the code needed to display your new signature and instructions on how to add it to e-mail programs.
You may be also interested How to Insert Email Signature in Gmail.


Processes of Using XML Digital Signature

Digital signatures using involves two processes, that are performed by the signer and the receiver of the digital signature.
To sign any digital asset, the signer first delimits precisely the borders of what is to be signed.
For the delimited XML Digital Signature information for signing term the "message" is used in current article.

For Digital signature or the XML Digital Signature creation a hash value and a given private key that are both unique to the signed message are used. To provide security for the hash value, probability that the same XML Digital Signature could be generated by the combination of any other message or private key must be very slight.

The XML Digital Signature verification is the process of

  1. verifying the digital signature and signature software by reference to the original message and a given public key,
  2. defining whether the digital signature was generated for that namely message using the private key that matches to the referenced public key.
Then the signer's software calculates a hash result value, unique to the message. Then the signer's software transforms the hash value into a digital signature using the signer's private key. As a result, digital signature is unique to both the message and the private key, that were used to generate it.
Usually, a digital signature is attached to its message and saved or transmitted with the message. It might also be sent or saved as a separate data element. A digital signature is unique to its message, that's why it is useless if it's disassociated from its message.

XML Digital Signature

XML Digital Signature Technology

XML digital signature technology is a combined effort of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). The XML Signature standard assists signing parts of XML documents and providing end-to-end data integrity across multiple systems.
XML digital signature proves the nonrepudiation and message integrity of transmitted XML data across Web services.

XML Signature is the foundation for XKMS, SAML, WS-Security, and other XML-related technologies that authenticate using digital signature.

XML digital signatures are signatures that are available in the XML format and ensure authentication and originality of the parent document. A main feature of XML signature is the ability to sign a particular portion of the XML document rather than the whole document.

An XML Signature can sign more than one type of resource, such as a particular portion of an XML document, binary-encoded data (JPG), and character-encoded data (HTML).

XML Digital Signatures Types

There are three types of XML digital signatures:

How to Insert Email Signature in Gmail

E-Signature in Gmail

By default attaching html email signatures are disabled in Gmail. Still if you want to insert e-signature, there is a way how to do it. You'll need to install Greasemonkey. It is a Firefox extension that allows you to modify looking and behaviour of your favourite pages.
If you use greasemonkey with Firefox and the appropriate scripts, you can modify the functionality of any web page and you can insert html email signature to Gmail.

If you power up Firefox with Greasemonkey and then add the appropriate scripts, you can change the functionality of web pages.

Features of the Gmail E-Signature

After you've enabled Greasemonkey, you should get the Gmail Signature Float script. It will change gmail in 3 ways:
  • Gmail places e-signature at the bottom of replied or forwarded messages by default. This will fix the issue. E-signature in Gmail will be moved to the top of the quoted message rather than the bottom.
  • It will remove the two dashes that Gmail places above e-signature automatically.
  • It provides the ability of adding HTML to signatures, and the ability of leaving turn off and on floating of e-signature.
Watch this video to setup Gmail electronic signature


Electronic Signature Software. E-Lock DeskSeal Desktop.

I'd like to introduce you the series of reviews of digital signatures software.
It would cover a wide range of specialized software.
The first tool I'm going to write about is E-Lock DeskSeal Desktop.

E-Lock DeskSeal Desktop

E-Lock DeskSeal Desktop is a wizard based Digital signing software. It enables users to insert digital signatures into PDF documents at predefined location without having the Adobe Acrobat Professional installed on the user's computer. The verification of the signature in PDF happens through Adobe reader just by right-clicking on the signature block. Handwritten signature or logo can also be added to the signature using this software.
Read more about E-Lock Digital Signatures.